Meet Optimistic Olive!
She is 19" tall and weighs 26 pounds.
OFA Hips are Good and Elbows are Pass.
Olive is an extremely cuddly sweet doppie girl. She is very laid back when in the house and knows the difference between relaxing and play time. She enjoys running on the beach. She loves car rides while sticking her head out the window! She is also amazing with children!
WALA #081257
Say Hello to Jude the Dude!
His registered name is Loveable Labradoodles Jude.
Jude weighs 11 lbs. and stands 14" tall at the shoulder.
OFA Hips are Good and Elbows are Pass, and OFA Eyes are Clear.
Jude lives with us here in the heart of Wine Country. He has never met a stranger! He is an absolutely love!!
We are excited about the Mini sized puppies he will produce!
Wala #43041